If you are suffering from any kind of illness which involves you not eating anything too heavy or chewable, or if your stomach is not able to digest heavy food, then a soft food diet is the way to go. You can eat a variety of soft foods, a list of which is shown below:
Soft toast is an amazing food to eat if you are not able to chew that much. Preferably, toast is best eaten if it is soaked or moistened with some sort of jelly, butter or even milk. It makes a wonderful and soft cereal. For flavor, you can add in any sweetener of your choice, or you can also top it with some honey, to make it healthier. Toast is also good for you, as it contains a lot of carbohydrates and, if you use multi-grain toast, then you will get the added benefits of grains and fiber as well. Indeed, toast is a very versatile soft food and there can be many variations with how you want to eat it.
Pasta is also an amazing soft food to eat. It is very satisfying, filling and, not to mention, tastes wonderful as well. you want to make sure that the pasta is cooked perfectly. To flavor your pasta, there are a variety of sauces you can choose from. You can go for store-bought sauces or make them at home, to increase the nutritional values. Either way, it will taste amazing. Pasta is also packed with carbohydrates, which gives your body necessary energy throughout the day. You can play safe and healthy with pasta as well, by choosing whole-grain or brown rice pasta as well.
Soft Fruits
There are so many fruits that are naturally soft and don’t need any mashing beforehand. These fruits include bananas, peaches, watermelon, mango, etc. These fruits are amazing for you and they taste wonderful as well. You will not believe how good these fruits are for you. bananas are packed with potassium and they are nature’s electrolyte balancer. If you feel dizzy, then a banana will give you natural sugars to regulate your blood sugar and insulin levels. Mangos are starchy, and they give you a lot of energy and filling as well. All you need to do to consume these fruits is to peel the skin off, cut it into small pieces as per your liking, and eat away.
Soups are an amazing way to hide vegetables and necessary minerals. Soups are easily edible for a lot of people and it is a very versatile recipe to make it according to your liking. You can add meat to your soups by blending it in, like chicken, fish, etc. You can also add as many greens as you like. Greens like spinach, kale, broccoli, mushrooms, tomatoes, potatoes, corn, and you can flavor your soup with tons of spices as well. soups are all about creativity and you can create a bowl full of steamy deliciousness, within no time. Not to mention, it is extremely filling, depending on the type of meat and vegetables you add in.
Eggs, one of the biggest sources of proteins available in the world, are wonderful soft foods as well. Eggs can be made in a variety of ways. You can poach your eggs in water, which makes a perfect semi-boiled egg. If you don’t know how to poach your eggs, then it’s very simple. Boil your water fully in a deep pot, then you can crack your egg in it. After a while the egg will cook and you can remove it with a slotted spoon. You can boil an egg fully and mash it with butter, adding a little bit of salt and pepper too. You can also go for scrambled eggs, which are very soft, and you can eat them as is, or eat it with some soft toast on the side. Eggs are extremely versatile, and they take the flavor of anything you add into it.
There you have it! Who says soft food doesn’t have to be tasty? These soft foods will fulfill your hunger as well as deliver necessary nutrients to your body.